Med Spa Scottsdale Skin InstituteSkincare IQRestore. Renew. Revitalize. Skin Care Test Fill out the form below to get started. Name Phone Email Which facial areas concern you the most? (Select all that apply) Forehead Eyes Cheeks Mouth Jaw/Chin 1 out of 5 What concern do you want your treatment to address? Pores Fine lines/wrinkles Pigmentation Loss of volume Acne/acne scars None 2 out of 5 What is the texture of your skin? Oily Dry Normal Combination of the above None 3 out of 5 How much downtime are you prepared to take? None A couple days One week Two weeks None 4 out of 5 Does your skin get irritated easily? Yes No None 5 out of 5 Time's up